About Us
Our Vision
Established in 2022, Jax Messianic Fellowship is a community of believers in Yeshua (Jesus!) of Nazareth who are pursuing discipleship to Him from a Messianic Jewish perspective.
We aspire to be a local advocate for both Messianic Judaism and Christianity that rejects replacement theology.
Our beliefs and values are in alignment with the UMJC statement of faith.
We currently meet for worship weekly on Saturday mornings at 10:30a. Weekly teachings are uploaded to our Youtube channel. We also have discipleship group every Monday evening (see below for details).
Our Mission
We Exist...
...to foster and train a community of disciples for the Master Yeshua who commit to love each other and all people and to represent Him with excellence by living in a manner consistent with His deeds and teachings.
We Exist...
...to proclaim the message of God’s coming Kingdom and the truth of our Master’s life, death, resurrection, and eventual return to establish that Kingdom, ruling all nations from Jerusalem.
We Exist...
...to be a light to our brothers and sisters in the broader Christian community and the Jewish community by serving them with unconditional love and respect, sharing that:
The Jewish people continue to be God’s chosen people and were not replaced by Christians
Yeshua and the Apostles never forsook their Jewish faith and heritage
The Torah is an ongoing covenant responsibility for the Jewish people (including Jewish disciples of Yeshua) as well as a source of spiritual nourishment and instruction for all peoples.
What to Expect
We love seeing new faces! If you'd like to come connect with us for the first time, here are a few things you can expect.
Shabbat Service (Saturdays)
We start services at 10:30 a.m. by praying for Israel and for our leaders, followed by worshipping our Heavenly Father through song.
We have a time for corporate prayer. We sing some of these prayers in Hebrew but don't worry -- every prayer is also recited in English so everybody can join in.
We make time for the public reading of the scriptures, reading a section from the Torah (the first five books of the Bible), the Prophets, and the Apostolic Writings.
Pastor Garrett will share a message with the group; the messages are recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel.
After the message, we gather our children together and pray a blessing over them.
We enjoy a light potluck and stick around to eat and fellowship with each other and get to know new faces. If you'd like to bring a dish, we simply suggest to label it or let others know if it has meat or common allergens like nuts.
We suggest dressing in modest, "business casual" attire.
The books, prayer cards, and other materials on our resource table are free! Please take for yourself or distribute to friends and family.
Discipleship Group (Mondays)
We learn together weekly using course material produced by First Fruits of Zion.
HaYesod 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
HaYesod, Hebrew for "The Foundation", is a ten-video series that reconnects Christians to the Land, the People, and the Scriptures of Israel, explaining the Jewish foundation of Christianity and challenging replacement theology.
HaYesod is a fundamental course for our community that provides a common, foundational framework for how we pursue discipleship to the Master Yeshua as well as how we view our mission to the surrounding community.
The course is open to all and purchasing a course workbook ($20) is required.
We will run this course throughout the year as long as there is interest.
Those who have completed HaYesod and keep their workbooks do not need to purchase a new workbook to retake future HaYesod courses.
Torah Club 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Torah Club is a year-long, small-group Bible study from a Messianic Jewish perspective.
Torah Club, for our community, is the means for continued discipleship training in an intimate, communal setting.
Joining Torah Club requires 1) agreement with the Club Values and Pledge, 2) a commitment to regular attendance, 3) studying the material prior to meetings 3) active participation in the weekly discussions, and 4) an annual membership fee of $80.
Interested? Please contact Pastor Garrett for more information or click here to submit an application.